Jiayuan Sun

I am an M.S. student in Computer Science at University of Electronic Science and Technology of China ( UESTC ), advised by Prof. Luping Ji.

I am also a senior engineer at Sensorobots in Shanghai/Chengdu, where I work on robotics and computer vision. Before that, I worked as a robotics engineer in GaiTech and Hefu AI.

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I'm interested in 3D computer vision, machine learning, and robotics. Much of my work is closely related to robotics (2D/3D SLAM, state estimation, path planing, motion control, etc).

Shared Coupling-bridge Scheme for Weakly Supervised Local Feature Learning
Jiayuan Sun, Luping Ji*, Jiewen Zhu;
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (TMM), 2023
project page / arXiv / code

VINS-Mask: A ROI-mask Feature Tracker for Monocular Visual-inertial System
Jiayuan Sun, Fangwei Song, Luping Ji*;
International Conference on Automation, Robotics and Computer Engineering (ICARCE), 2022
project page / paper / code

Thank Jon Barron for sharing his website's source code.